"Mantua è tua" is a series of posters based on the photo studio reconstruction of Mantua most famous paintings and architectural details (Mantegna's "camera degli sposi" frescos). The campaign was conceived to visualize the concept of participation of the population in the activity and constant renovation of the cultural heritage in Mantua. The visual contrast is enhanced by the wordmark itself cut in half.
Mantua (Lombardy, Italy, 49.445 inhabitants) is considered a hidden gem of Italy, declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site. The mood and attitude of the city aim towards an active life, open to new interpretations of its artistic and historical heritage, but Mantua must face the contrast between a very important and rich past and a very competitive present between the other cities attracting tourists. The particularity of Mantua lies in its overlay of historical periods and events which all left traces in architecture and culture. The rich cultural heritage of Mantua is conceived as static, ancient and immutable, but on the other hand, the city itself offers a variety of events and experiences which all relate to modern lifestyle and vivacity. The variety of attractions, historical periods and interest fields make Mantua a 360∞ city: the goal was to enhance all the paths in every topic or theme and the strong contrast between ancient and modern.