Innuc is a collection of innovative and worthwhile companies in South Tyrol.
Their slogan is "New. Creative. Different" The three elements are therefore present in the logo, which also recalls the archetypical shape of a mountain, typical of the region of South Tirol.
Together with Studio Dia we developed brand identity and guidelines, along with assessments criteria. Companies are evaluated by:
The Commission agrees that the innovation enhances the quality of the product, production or service offered.
Efficiency and environmental sustainability.
There is evidence that the innovation contributes to increased efficiency and a more sustainable way of working.
There is evidence that the innovation adds value to the institution while containing or reducing costs.
The innovation should be original or the adaptation creative. The programme description or letters from experts are examples of evidence.
The innovation should be no more than five years old at the institution.
Other ways that the innovation is worthy of this award.